Any regular food you take whether at home or while out should consist of all the basic food groups, balancing proteins, starches, greens and vegetables is a key factor to a healthy diet. Knowing the ingredients that you should avoid will save your health. Your body needs all the different food groups in order to function properly, by balancing your meals you are ensuring your health and the quality of your life. This is the list of food you should aware of it's high Carbohydrates contents :

While pizza contains protein from the meat and cheese, the crust also makes it a high carbohydrate food. To lower the carbohydrate count in your pizza, choose thin crust.
2. Cereals
All cereals are high carbohydrate foods. Some, however, are healthier than others because they contain complex carbohydrates and little sugar.
3. White flour
White flour is a high carbohydrate food, and it is highly processed, so that it isn’t even a good source of carbohydrates.
4. Potatoes
Potatoes are high carbohydrate foods. They are, however, a good source of vitamins.
5. Bananas
All fruits have carbohydrates, but the sweetest fruits, such as bananas, have the highest numbers of carbohydrates.
6. Sugar
Sugar is all carbohydrate, and it releases into the bloodstream quickly, causing blood sugar levels to spike. This causes the production of insulin, which makes it easier for the body to store fat. Foods with sugar are the first to avoid when trying to lose weight.
7. Pasta
Pasta is made from flour, so it is a high carbohydrate food. If you choose pasta made from whole grain flour, it will contain complex carbohydrates, however.
8. Rice
Rice is also high in carbohydrates. Brown rice is very nutritious, however, and is rich in complex carbohydrates.
9. Sweet pickles
Relish and salad dressings All of these have added sugar, so their carbohydrate content is high.
10. Dried Fruits
When fruits are dried, they have a more concentrated form of sugar, making them a high carbohydrate food.