Following Apple’s introduction of its WWDC goodies—Mac OS X Lion, iOS 5 and iCloud—much of the sentiment swirling around RIM went from bad to worse. Why? Apple touted its iMessage, a system that allows anyone with an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch send unlimited free text messages to another iOS device. Apple’s iMessage is a direct assault on BBM, which is arguably RIM’s most marketable item.
The two mainstays of RIM’s sales have been corporate email users and consumer BBM (Blackberry Messenger) users. While Apple lacks RIM’s NOC/node infrastructure that allows for BBMing without a data plan with some carriers, iMessage otherwise is a direct competitor. The launch of a low-cost iPhone in the Fall targeted at prepaid and emerging markets will only further undermine RIM.
RIM’s BBM could be heavily marketed and should be the company’s defining sales pitch. Instead, RIM suffers from Apple envy and doesn’t play up BBM nearly enough. To its credit, RIM did outline plans to open BBM up to iOS and Android recently.
Challenges up next for RIM :

Challenges upnext for RIM :
* Getting through 2011 until its QNX-based “ superphones” allegedly save the day in 2012.
* Defending the enterprise as consumerization takes hold.
* Fending off Android as well as Apple’s iOS.
* Keeping margins and service revenue humming as companies look at management tools other than BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
* Making a dent in the tablet market.
* And now defending BBM from Apple.
Nevertheless, RIM co-CEO Jim Balsillie on June 16 is likely to be as optimistic as ever even as the company reports weaker-than-expected first quarter results. What’s unclear is whether the Balsillie show will have much of a believability factor.